Sunday, October 19, 2014

No. 16


                                                -even without a touch

                                    he finds himself    a sort of night-
mare of whim.

His letter.

            I must go if I die.

she was,

                        still hurt her
                                                            a mature country girl,
and a touch of old-fashioned style

            “Now you’re here,”

“Still, I’m here,”

                        “You thought I had gone.”

“But some day, I suppose, it will happen?

   “I shan’t be sorry,

                                    One decides quickly enough when
there is any question of desire.”

                        ‘Go in,’ he said to me yesterday.

                                                            No. 15 is empty:
It’s nailed up:

            out of the room.
.           .           .           .           .           .           .           .           .

the fish pie lay on her tongue like wadding.

                           poured himself out a glass of water.

                                    “This is the worst time of day.

He held me responsible.

“You’re so beautiful.”

“I was ill yesterday.


                                    do you hear?
“A waterfall in my head.”

                        There’ll be no ‘here’ left--how can you
come back?”

“But my poems . .

                        -the piano inside my head, the waterfall
inside yours.

Never never try to betray.

   “I’ve got to live

                                                            “Don’t write.”

                                    but she was a girl who had never
been touched

   He has lost me, too.

“Don’t forget your poems.”

                        see if we are still here.”

                                                            “Should not see anyone.

“Sleep . . . “ Her
                                knockings you bear

From "Dear John" series.